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This part of ChainSafe mostly concentrated around existing products and attempts to make them more friendly and appealing to Web3 builders and early-day users.

Being strongly presented in the Protocol Implementation and Consulting fields ChainSafe always looking for a ways to contribute more to the field in any possible capacity as well as diversify its engagement areas.

From the historical perspective Products were represented in four different initiatives:

Unfortunately due to demanding market conditions and limited resources we decided to focus more on Gaming and Sygma initiatives and as of 18th of July 2022 ChainSafe Files sunset was announced and both teams including ChainSafe Storage one moved under the Gaming wing.


Sygma is rightful successor of ChainBridge initiative existed in the company since the early days and essentially represents the third version of bridging approach and marks the way to a generic message passing future. To find more about Sygma please visit

Gaming SDK

In couple recent years web3.js proclaimed itself as a prominent library and useful component within the Web3 space. And with a lot of attention to JavaScript/TypeScript world gaming Web3 clients were left to its own devices. web3.unity marks one of the most successful attempts to enter the native gaming field with Web3 ideas. Being strong member of the whole Gaming SDK suite it was later accompanied by on-chain NFT minter and marketplace allowing game developers not only interact with on-chain entities natively but also mint game related NFT collections and even put them on a market display for others to own. More information about the Gaming approach in ChainSafe can be found here